Sponsors & Media Partners: AAILP; African Arbitration Academy; AfAA; AfSIL; ARIA; AAA-ICDR; ArbitralWomen; AYA; BIAC; CAM-CCBC; CRCICA; CIAC; Campaign for Greener Arbitrations; #Careers in Arbitration; CIMAC; CIICA; CIArb Cairo, Egypt, Kenya, New York, Nigeria; Digital Coffee Break in Arbitration; EAIAC; YPS; Int'l Arbitration Africa; ICSID and Young ICSID; CPR and Y-ADR; Jus Mundi; LCA; New York City Bar’s Inter-American Affairs and Arbitration Committees; NYIAC; RAI; SVAMC; Tales of the Tribunal; TIArb; Wolters Kluwer; TDM/OGEMID, and many more. Visit the website for up-to-date listing.
