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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping ADR Practices (17 - 24 July 2023)

As various artificial intelligence (AI)-driven processing tools, such as ChatGPT, Google's Bard, and many more continue to gain prominence, AI has become the subject of discussions within the legal world, particularly in the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) community. AI is swiftly emerging as a disruptive force, poised to revolutionize the field of ADR and reshape the practices of arbitrators, lawyers, and various legal professionals in both the present and the future. In this Young-OGEMID Symposium, we delve into AI's integration into arbitration processes, exploring its potential benefits and the challenges it poses. Additionally, the Symposium will explore topics that reflect the developments and opportunities AI brings and will also discuss the ethical considerations that should underpin its responsible and equitable use.

Moderator: Earvin Delgado


  • Prof. Amy Schmitz (Moritz College of Law - The Ohio State University)
  • Ms. Mihaela Apostol (Arbitration Consultant, Co-founder ArbTech)
  • Dr. Paul Cohen (4-5 Gray's Inn Square)
  • Dr. Abhinav K. Mishra (Center for AI and Digital Policy)


Stanislava Nedeva Summary of Young-OGEMID Symposium No. 17:
"The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping ADR Practices"
by Stanislava Nedeva

Download (PDF, 37 pages)

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