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Prove It! Evidence in International Arbitration (June 2016)

Young-OGEMID's third virtual symposium discussed issues relating to the taking and presentation of evidence in international arbitration. Speakers with connections to multiple jurisdictions (Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Mexico and the United States) discussed various issues of practical interest (such as how to present evidence in opening arguments and at the hearing and how to use a Redfern Schedule) as well as those of theoretical concern (such as the proper way to conceptualize evidence in international arbitration as well as how evidence in international arbitration measures up to evidence at the International Court of Justice).



Dominic Wong Summary of Young-OGEMID Symposium No. 3:
"Prove It! Evidence in International Arbitration (June 2016)" - published in TDM 1 (2017)
by Dominic Wong

Download (PDF, 19 pages)

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